Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Real Faraday

Most of the following biographical information has been gleaned from the wikipedia article at .

Like most trained Chemists, Michael Faraday was terrible at higher mathematics. However, his extreme skill and meticulous nature made him one of the best experimentalists in the history of science (though the good money is on Cavendish, in this man's opinion). His early work is in the field of Chemistry, though I am going to focus on his discoveries in Physics, as they are more pertinent to LOST.

His work focused primarily on optics (the study of light) and the relationship between electricity & magnetism. He was the first person to notice that a changing magnetic field induces an electrical current, which is the basis for virtually all electric motors. This discovery, alongside the already known fact that electric currents create magnetic fields, proved the mutual relationship between electricity and magnetism, foreshadowing the 20th century work in field theory and special relativity.

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